Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Yay! a new year and new discoveries and creations...

Hi LAdies-School begins on Monday for me and my internship starts up again this Thursday. I have been thinking a lot about our project over the holidays. I have my camera ready for filming and have been ruminating over movement ideas while going on long walks and listening to inspiring music while on long bus rides. I have been listening to very joyful music and wondering how we can lighten up our concept and not get stuck in the verbal process but play with visual ideas too. This has been my challenge. I have also been challenged by not having a community of dancers to dance with every day to be inspired by and I feel a need to reach out for this support. We don't move alot in my classes at Pratt. Our movement experiences are linked to group dance therapy mock sessions and stay pretty contained. There isn't a lot of room to explore a movement repertoire as there was at the UW. I miss this immensely and am in search of workshops/classes to attend that can rekindle this need for movement exploration and development. I feel out of touch with my dancing body and this is yet another block rich for exploration. I am inspired by the two of you further exploring butoh. The workshop and class sound so cool! Let's keep each other posted on what develops out of this movement exploration.

This brings me to the blog idea. I love it! I have been saving all of our correspondences and wondering how we can all look back at them and see our group development/ process. I love the idea of simultaneously sharing it with the public and garnering feedback and input. As far as how or where to blog I have no experience ther, but am ready to learn. I have also been thinking about sharing our videos with each other and how they can be weaven into our performance since this will be a crucila aspect to how we develop our piece. I love the idea of projecting them onto ABC like blocks for the performance. This set idea is a great idea on how to bring in the childlike element to our piece.

A certain level of childishness, messiness, playfulness and most importantly for me -acceptance, are the elements to living with our blocks. Instead of feeling like they are separate elements in my life I have been working on how I can invite them all in as part of my process, as part of my whole self.

Yulia- I agree with your ideas for pricing, show and space times and think we can confirm this with Linda. I didn't see the contract attached to your email. Will you send it so I can check it out?

Y- unblocking versus blocks- so timely!

K- developing material for DMC and with others will be such great stimulus as well as the butoh class with Diana. I love the image of the blue crane... costume ideas might be emerging? The chaos in your image makes me think of moments of business of NYC living when I am able to soften to the struggle and challenge of life here and find my own internal peace and sanctuary in spirit.

I confer that in order to be productive for this project and its timeline I too must give myself weekely goals otherwise I will procrastinate to the last minute. I will journal, collage, move/dance, film, and blog in some configuration weekly and figure out a more concise personal schedule in the coming weeks.

I am excited to be sharing our worlds and creating something uniqe together!!!

Much Love,

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